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The opening of a supermarket Kay

July 27 the opening of the renovated flagship supermarket Kay on Moskovsky Prospect, 25. The redesigned flagship to demonstrate to customers the new face of the network re-branding is still in progress.


Rebranding Kay started in late 2011 and, despite the opening of the flagship is not yet finished. The changes affected both the brand (changed corporate colors) and range (there are more digital devices), store layout – organized by area of sales, parts and service area, the area of new products.


Supemarket Kay on Tehnolozhke – one of the oldest in the city. Store is a leader in sales and profits in the St. Petersburg network, so new items first appear here. Its area – 1000 sq.m.


Kay holds a re-branded stores in December 2011. The average amount invested in the upgrade shop – 30 million rubles. Already upgraded five supermarkets in St. Petersburg, and a KEY Yaroslavl.


Buyers. By the way, they reported that in their opinion, the new Kay was prettier than the old one.

The flagship supermarket after the rebranding proclaimed “Island of digital freedom.”


Explained the new concept of the supermarket “special guest who had come from afar” – a robot named R – bot. In practice, it turned out that he likes to talk with children and likes to cuddle with the girls.


R-bot to reproduce the “Declaration of Independence of digital technology,” according to which the new Kee all devices want to be free from “high prices”, “from the glass and windows,” from “complex instructions”, “the awkward design,” etc.


The updated KEY can be easily touched interesting device. Director General of the supermarket chain Mikhail Ivashchenko said that the open display of goods on average a 15% increase in sales.


CEO Michael Kay Ivashchenko

When asked Telekombloga, why are some popular expensive smart phones are still in the glass cases, the director replied: “Unfortunately, in Russia in the open display, not all is well.” However, he said, is currently being negotiated with the producers, and over time the number of devices that are not protected by glass, will grow.



In order to use the open display and is not afraid of theft, in a supermarket on the Tehnolozhke improved security system, in particular, have increased the number of security guards and sales assistants.


Source: http://telecomblog.ru/?p=12737