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R.BOT works on Russia-2045 lecture


February 19, 2015 The public movement "Russia...


(Русский) Рекламный ролик для R.BOT Synergy Swan.

(Русский) Рекламный ролик для R.BOT Synergy Swan.

Cold wind and rain on Saturday did not prevent us to begin work on a new commercial for R.BOT Synergy Swan! Weekend we spent finding successful angles and intonations, choosing the...


(Русский) World Touring Car Championship в Москве.

(Русский) World Touring Car Championship в Москве.

World Touring Car Championship (WTCC) - this is the World Cup on the highway-circular races in cars. One of his steps took place in the suburbs of Moscow on June 8. One...


(Русский) Мозговой штурм!

(Русский) Мозговой штурм!

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Conference RSUH 

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June 7 at the XIII International RSUH held an interactive forum for Educational Technologies, “Intelligent Space”, where are the latest solutions in the field of robotics and mechatronics to meet the challenges of education, science, culture and business.

As part of the scientific and educational show presented two robots R.BOT. One of them met and entertained the guests before the event, the second acted as co-host. A company representative R.BOT, Vyacheslav Kravtsov, in plenary meeting told the guests about the benefits of telepresence and the opportunities and the application of robots R.BOT.

Vyacheslav Kravtsov also took part in the “Robots in inclusive education,” and shared the experience of RBOT cooperation with educational institutions. At the round tables and sections of Representatives of the largest companies in the field of industrial robotics and applied, the heads of regional centers of information. Robots R.BOT guests were greeted with great interest.